Approach Toward Environment
<Environmental Policy>
・Basic Policy
Through our corporate activities, and based on our corporate policy of “To continue to be an excellent company which protects the environment, and which earns people’s love and trust.” Tokai Electronics Co., Ltd. will advance environmental actions to promote thorough recycling and the reduction of waste. We will actively work to establish environmental management systems that protect the environment and realize a sustainable society and circular economy to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

<Action Guidelines>
Establishment and continuous improvement of environmental management systems
As an electronics solutions provider, Tokai Electronics works to accurately assess the burden that our business activities, products, and services place on the environment. To the greatest extent of our technical and economic abilities, we will re-examine the environmental goals and objectives we have set and work continuously to maintain and improve environmental management systems.
Compliance with environmental laws and regulations
In addition to complying with environmental laws, regulations, agreements, and other requirements that we have decided to accept, we will strive to raise the standard of our environmental conservation activities.
・Commitment to environmental protection
We will contribute to the protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems through participation in greenification activities and other initiatives.
We have set goals for the prevention of pollution and reduction of environmental burden associated with our business activities, and we have defined the following items to address.
1. In the spirit of our corporate vision of “Enforce Fundamentals” and “Quality First for Customer!,” we will strive to reduce the environmental
impact of business development by improving the quality and increasing the efficiency of our operations.
2. As an electronics solutions provider, we will contribute to the reduction of the burden placed on the environment by society as a whole
by proposing and delivering to our customers products that take the environment into consideration and products and services that will help
to reduce the burden on the environment.
3. To reduce waste volumes and ensure that waste is handled appropriately, we will strive to conserve resources and promote recycling.
The proper separation of collected waste at workplaces will serve as the foundation of such activities.
4. We will help to prevent global warming by conserving energy through the reduced consumption of electrical energy and vehicle fuels.
5. We will strive to reduce our use of substances that place a burden on the environment through atmospheric pollution.
・Dissemination of information to employees and related individuals
Through environmental education and internal PR activities, we will strive to ensure understanding of and compliance with the Environmental Policy by employees of all Group companies, including affiliated companies. We will also promote activities through participation by all employees and request understanding of and cooperation with our policy from our business partners.
・Establishment of comfortable working environments and respect for workplace diversity
We will strive to establish and maintain comfortable working environments where employees can work in a healthy and intellectual manner. We will also strive for human resources development that respects the importance of gender equality and diversity in the workplace. We will disclose this Environmental Policy widely to the general public through the Tokai Electronics Co., Ltd. website, corporate brochures, and other corporate communications.
October 1, 2020 Tokai Electronics Co., Ltd.
Shin Okura / President